On my opinion all these ugly girls really need beauty operation, Facelifting beauty operation, liposuction operation,Cosmetic Surgery,All Beauty Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Maybe just maybe then....
Below are realists examples! Humans really need cosmetic surgery to fix something if you're not satisfied with
No.1. Santa's Little Helper

No.2. Scary

No.3. Swarchenegger :)

No.4. Segourney Weaver or Charles Manson

No.5. What The Hell Is THaT

No.6. My Eeeeyes!

No.7. Modelling Her New Bikini

No.8. How Much Makup Is Too Much Makeup

No.9. Chicken Head

No.10. Mona Lisa Wants Her Smile Back

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#5 is a dude, #10 has Downs. Consider suggest omitting them.
#5 is a girl actually and #10 doesn't look like downs syndrome but i don't know medically
#10 is actually a guy. Here's a valuable tip for descerning whether the person in question is a guy or not. Men have adam's apple, women don't. Always look at their neck first. That way you'll avoid surprises later...
^^ Some women have adams apples... Or somthing that looks like it.
The chick on one of the entertainment news shows has one...
Um, about that 'chick' on that news show...
#10 could be a woman. Not all men have an adams apple. I am a man and I don't have an adams apple. Some women have friggin adams apples.
Some men have more prominent ones than others, but women don't have them. There are many trannys out there dude, and maybe you just don't wanna believe.
Ann Coulter has an Adam's Apple.
Ask yourself if you had to sleep with one which would you pick?
sooooooooooooo scary i'm off to be sick
Number 8 (my lucky number)
Seriously, and I thought I was ugly LOL
well maybe u a girl cause im a man to and wo man who looks like a man probablly looks exactly like u you michael jackson fruit bowl neck transvestite
i used to date #9.she was a very beautiful person!!!
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