You cat use it in real life and don't need to spend money to stupid things :)
Cactus Soother

Do you love your Baby or you want wrongful death?
Super-Duper Ear

My girlfriend like this innovatinon, I don't no why??
But this guy need adult education urgently!
Ice Cream shield :)

This innovation it's really helpful
Summer pedals

After bike drive you can wash kitchen utensil
Wonderful aroma,trust me :)
Stop Brush

Maybe.... I don't no
Dracula Fork

1001 way to use fork
Mark Finger

Good idea for FBI maybe, but just letterhead without flower
Beer smell Lamp

Germans!! All about Beer, and I like it becouse that!
Cloth Holder

When you demolish your office, you don'n need
throw it away all!Now you have idea!
Modern China chopsticks

Tea Cloth

Windows sleeper

Picture Holder

Tea Aroma for bathroom

Gauge red Flag

New way of belt

Ear Ball

Finger Oil

Thought supports

Good idea for video conferencing!
Dress funnel

Cotton Wool Broom

Wing Light

First you need to read some quick book !
Mark Board

For this dude Quick Book it's not bed idea!
Little Greenause

Washing-up assistance

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Unbelievable Inventions

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Some of this stuff is really amazing......
way to go germans....
Those summer pedals and the chopsticks: Brilliant!!
Amorphis said...
They really are a superior people.
...if they'd just take their time getting to Russia...
Excellent stuff!
I'm pretty sure their swiss not german, due to the stuff they wrote underneath the pictures, the swiss bicycle sticker, and the swiss beer serving plate they used for the mark board.
That is a Swiss postage stamp
Yep, this is SWISS quality!
according to the bad english it can only be a swiss. hence from where i am :P
Superior people...ha ha... are you all nuts?
Great inventions..what can i say :)
Haha, can't make the difference between germans and swiss :D I thought being mistaken for sweden was good enough.
Yeah some ideas where quite neat :)
the dracula teeth thing is classic and i'm totally going to use it for improptu halloween action.
Haha, learn the difference between SWISS and GERMAN! SWISS need more time to do anything, for example speaking ^^....and maybe yes.. we (germans) love beer...but you too or?! xD
böse witzig stylish nützlich. einfach geil! grosses Kompliment und Danke für die Idee für meinen neuen Türstopper :P
G R E A T !
Gegen das Englisch ist jeder Chinese ein wahrer Shakespeare. Ihr Schweizer seid lustig...
Ja aba ich fersten nicht
lol, wenigstens haben wir viele sprachen ein bisschen gelernt (deutsch, französisch, italienisch, englisch) und gehen nicht wie ihr deutschen nur auf malle in die ferien weil dort sowieso alle deutsch reden....
scheiße wie geil is das denn :D:D:D MEHR!!!!!!!!!!!!
WER hat's erfunden...?
Naaaa, WEERR?
Genau, die Switzer.. und nicht die Deutschen!
Obwohl die natürlich genauso verrückte Sachen machen, und die Österreicher sowieso..
I totally adore the inventor- what a great mind, to see the everyday stuff in a whole new way.
oh my god!! just amazing things! uahuaa
Germans, Swiss, Canadian, American, who can tell...
I'd rather not comment on the english.
Anyways, the pictures are ripped off of
It's a graphics design company in switzerland.
It's really wonderful!
Congratulations, it's fantastic.
in the netherlands they fill programs with these amazing inventions.
Взял Бош и ебошь ;)
Нахрена там бур в режиме отбойника? :D
Haja tempo!
No entanto, um tempo bem gasto, um olhar bem vasto - uma devassa no cotidiano, um incremento sem menor dano, tanto melhor: Arte maior!
Yeah, wir Deutschen rocken die Welt!
(Georgsmarienhütte ist die geilste Stadt überhaupt! xD O_o )
In English:
Yeah, we Germans rock the World!
(The best Town everywhere is Georgsmarienhütte! xD O_o )
Some of these are great! I love the chopsticks trick!
The 'Windows Sleeper' ... I love it!
Gotta say, these are all pretty damn original.
One of these days you'll hit it big!
I think Carlsberg beer is from Denmark...or my friends that studied there when I was in Prague brought me some and said it was Danish.
Give them back their medication!
Borat says: IS GOOD!
Excellent post and very interesting inovations :)
haha, orang gila kalian :D
wow i'm impressed!
That's swiss the germans says treibhaus not tribhüsli
Arme deutsche die glaubten das kommt au sihre land ;)
wow :D
brother you is crazy
Here from Argentina! :D
This Stuff is Great!
I'll work to create things like these!
You're Great!!
putia ki pariu
é muita falta do q fazer
Oh well, they're funny! haha
Neat ;)
what a load of useful things made out of junk! ha ha
i especially like the goggle thing 2 support ur head on the bus, i want one!
Hi! Im argentinian, but living in Stockholm, Sweden and here you can find most of that stuff in stores and better quality ...GO SWEDES!!!
Excelent, you are crazy!!!
They really are a superior people. cool .very cool. why don't maike a good nike shoes ,?
i luv you ppl!...moo
lol now thats creative, i could never think of something like that to make lol
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
ha...ha..ha.. funny very funny..
I like your collection
Awesome stuff. :)
Anonymous said...
Yep, this is SWISS quality!
the difference between SWISS and GERMAN! SWISS need more time to do anything, for example speaking ^^....and maybe yes.
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